Township Officials
Bruce Carey / (231) 598-0621
Bev McLaughlin / (231) 307-0936
AmyHillis-Ouellette / (231) 660-6239
Barbie Cornell / (231) 856-7042
Larry Platt / (616) 432-7018
Kenn Vredenburg
(231) 250-7341
Cemetery Sexton
Bev McLaughlin
Randy Heckman
Township Board Meetings
Township meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Township Hall, April through November and 11:00AM November through March..
The annual joint meeting between the townships, the village and the fire department is held on the fourth Wednesday in Febuary at 7:00 PM. Location of this meeting rotates among the entities.
Special meetings are called as necessary and will be posted 24 hours prior to that meeting.
Office Hours
Office hours for the Clerk are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 until noon.
Office hours for the Treasurer are Wednesday, 8:00am to 2:00pm and Thursday, 9:00am until noon.
We are often at the hall working at other times and are always willing to help anyone who calls or stops by.
Assessment Questions
All information regarding property assessment is maintained by the township assessor. That information includes zoning, location, size, the number of buildings on the property and other information that you would need. Please contact Kenn Vredenburg at 231-250-7341.
Property Tax Questions
If you need information regarding the property taxes that are due for the current year Please contact the township treasurer, Amy Hillis-Ouellette. If you reach our office and no one is there, please leave a message and your call will be returned. Remember we are a small rural township and are not in the office every day. If you need information for a closing, please request that information prior to day the closing will take place.